ARM – Get Publishers, Offers and SKUs

Just a quick PowerShell script to get all of the Publishers, Offers and SKUs for the various VM images that are available for deployment through ARM.  These are the parameters that are necessary in order to deploy a VM using the Microsoft.Computer/VirtualMachines provider.

This is as of 2/4/2016 with Azure PowerShell December 2015 installed.

$Location = “WestUS” #Each locale might be different. Choose the location where you intend to deploy

$lstPublishers = Get-AzureRMVMImagePublisher -Location $Location

ForEach ($pub in $lstPublishers) {
#Get the offers
$lstOffers = Get-AzureRMVMImageOffer -Location $Location -PublisherName $pub.PublisherName

ForEach ($off in $lstOffers) {
$lstSkus = Get-AzureRMVMImageSku -Location $Location -PublisherName $pub.PublisherName -Offer $off.Offer

ForEach ($sku in $lstSkus) {
“” + $sku.Skus + “,” + $sku.Offer + “,” + $sku.PublisherName | out-file “.\myVMSkus.csv” -encoding ascii -append

The script is very slow, but I have found it difficult to find a resource that simply lists this information.  The information may be out there, but this script gives me a way within minutes to have a completely updated list I can use for my PowerShell scripts and ARM templates.

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