Time for the 3rd installment of The Bamboo Bumble progress. Every couple of weeks, I want to take a snapshot of progress, what worked, what didn’t work, lessons learned, etc. to help me to continue to build on my affiliate marketing and SEO knowledge. Hopefully, others find this information valuable as well.

I put effort into creating valuable content for my websites. While I utilize AI to assist with content development, human involvement is crucial for ensuring it resonates with users and performs well in search rankings. If people do not find the content engaging, its ranking will swiftly decline. No content is ever completely immune to shifts in Google’s algorithm that prioritize helpfulness, but focusing on quality and relevance is the best defense, in addition to technical SEO best practices.
Check out the previous post here! It lays out what was done to set the foundation on what I am doing, and where The Bamboo Bumble is going!
We’ve passed the 5 week mark (38 days since launch), so it is a good time to snag some data on how well the site is doing. The holidays slowed me down during the previous window, and these most recent two weeks I have been very focused on getting deeper into SEO and what I can tweak and twist to drive technical and on-page SEO for The Bamboo Bumble and my other sites. With that being said, there is still good stuff to report!
Google Search Console – How is The Bamboo Bumble Doing?
We’re up to 22 articles published on the site (23 will go up today – and its a special one!). I worked through some technical issues on various pages as called out by the Bing Webmaster tools and Ahrefs, and I configured the FAQ schema on every one of the pages that have FAQs. The hope there is that featured snippets (Deep Dive on Featured Snippets) will help drive me up the rankings. With that being said, I did not force any reindexing on my existing pages – I am letting this happen organically. Here’s where we sit in GSC:

The overall avg position has dropped to < 50, and the avg position on a few different days has now dropped to less than 40. This is great! Despite the fact that I only have slightly over 20 pieces of content, The Bamboo Bumble is climbing SERP!
For Google Discover, I have some additional impressions and clicks coming in. Again, tThis is a nice added bonus.

Bonus impressions and bonus clicks!
Ahrefs – Are We Ranking for Keywords?

We’re now ranking for 163 (it was 94 as of 2 weeks ago) with my best ranking sitting at 13 in SERP. Not too bad for only having a little over 5 weeks of work in! As I keep producing, Google should keep pushing me closer to the top for even more keywords. Great stuff. I am really hoping to crack the top 10 in the next 2 weeks max.
Bing Webmaster Tools
This is really nice. Bing search is actually driving as many clicks as Google!

It’s really interesting that Bing and Google are tied for clicks. Since Bing is the default search engine on so many machines, it just goes to show that it should not be ignored! Make sure and index your content there as well…no reason to just wait. I use the Instant Indexing feature RankMath provides to push the posts to IndexNow. Here’s how The Bamboo Bumble is doing for keyword ranking on Bing:

Top 10 in many cases with a top 1 even! It might not be driving that much traffic as of yet, but I will definitely continue to submit my URLs to Bing Webmaster tools.
Google Ad Sense
I was denied for AdSense back when there were only 8 articles on The Bamboo Bumble. I resubmitted for AdSense now that we’re over 20 articles to see if that’s enough to get approved.

I don’t expect AdSense to contribute to monetization at a meaningful rate, however, this is more of an experiment to see how many indexed articles and traffic it takes to qualify.
Product Reviews
Here’s the big change coming for The Bamboo Bumble – rather than focusing on mostly topical authority articles (generic blog posts that target higher in the funnel keywords), I am now going to be shifting to more product reviews and then only generating the TA articles when it makes sense to use those to drive traffic to the product review pages. The goal now is to start monetizing!

Check out this article on The Bamboo Bumble!
Best 9 Bamboo Bed Sheets on Amazon
By focusing on product pages, it opens a whole new type of articles to the site as well as building product clusters. This should help drive topical authority and start letting The Bamboo Bumble hit some of the lower funnel keywords like ‘best’, ‘top’, and ‘review’. Very exciting stuff!
Conclusion – The next 2 weeks
The goal for the next two weeks:
- Focus heavily on product review pages – build product clusters
- See if The Bamboo Bumble gets approved for AdSense
- Continue to tune SEO for the blog
Added Goal
- Dig into SEO for Voice Search. This seems like it is only getting bigger, and I want to make sure my articles are tuned appropriately – did not get to this one previously, so more to come here!
In about 2 weeks I will do this again – capture progress and what I did to get there.
Happy blogging!